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Beginner's Meditation Course in Berlin

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Course & Class Structure

Each Beginners (or advanced) Course runs over 4 x 90min classes, spread over 4 days.
Courses are taught in Berlin by our full-time teachers. But courses can fill-up fast!

Your course gives you the simple, powerful foundation you need to get meditating daily, on your own,
in a way that fits and supports your lifestyle.

Courses are available in both German & English

Want to get started? Book your course, and start your journey to meditate with confidence today!

Book Your Meditation Course Today

What our famous 4 Day Meditation Course looks like

4 Sessions to make you completely confident in Daily Meditation practice

Session one: 60mins

First day: An Authentic Introduction to an Ancient Technique

In meditation, each person has their own hang-ups, challenges, and natural advantages. Every student is different.

In this first 90 minute class, you spend a little time to work personally with the teacher. You get clear instructions designed to make meditation more effective, understandable and simple for you.

Having practiced and meditated for the first time, you step out from the session feeling refreshed, clear and ready to take on daily life. It was simpler than you thought it would be.

Choose any time that fits your lifestyle for this day, 5am till 10pm is fine.

Session two: 90mins

Second Day: The Clear Structure … Mastery of Mediation Step-by-Step

You now have the key, (your meditation technique) – now time to learn how to drive.

Just like drivers who haven’t learnt how to drive, a daily meditation technique without dedicated, experienced instruction can often get messy, confusing and unhelpful fast.

In this second 90 minute class, you build a strong understanding – you get clear and specific answers to important questions every daily meditator needs to know.

Helping you get the best out of every minute you spend in your daily practice.

Session three: 90mins

Third Day: The Fine Mechanics … How Meditation Makes Sense

If you don’t really get something, it’s unlikely that you are going to do it.

In this third 90 minute class, you discover the logical, rational and historical framework of meditative practice worldwide. So when your family, lover(s), or friends ask, you’ll know how to explain your daily practice in a way that makes sense. Who knows, maybe they’ll pick it up themselves and become more eaiser and fun to be around too.

Build a framework. Understand meditation for yourself. Learn how to be your own teacher.

Session Four: 90mins

Fourth Day: How to Make a Habit … The Way Forward

Daily Meditation is a habit. It will be fun and helpful habit, but sometimes you will get lazy and need a kick in the butt.

Your teacher is well-trained in the process of meditation as a daily habit – Busy artists, CEO’s, Parents of wild children, have all learned to fit daily meditation into their lives with these dedicated techniques for building a habit.

In this fourth 90 minute class, have your experienced teacher take you through the process of building your habit. Lifetime support, encouragement and dedicated instruction will help you grow your practice and live the life you want to lead.

Learn how to always have time to meditate.


Near You

Our Courses are held at locations all over Berlin, with our HQ in Neukölln

Contact us and find out when Daily Meditation Berlin is coming near you!

Can I meditate without a special seat, position or incense?

Certainly! In fact, if you want to meditate daily, then you’re going to have to learn to meditate anywhere. And that’s what your course is all about.

Can this work for my crazy mind?

This course was designed with busy, chaotic, or distracted people like you in mind. Those who found meditation difficult before often find this technique & course much easier for them. Check the reviews!

Do I need to repeat the course weekly?

No! This course is about self-sufficiency. Giving you the tools not to need a teacher. You master the technique on your own.

Free, unlimited, lifetime support comes with the course. This is a kind of guarantee. If the teacher doesn’t teach you well enough – you get to keep asking questions for free until you feel satisfied!

How was your teacher trained?

Your teacher specialises in meditation only – this means two years dedicated meditation study, followed by 4 months of daily (intensive) 14hr meditation sessions under strict guidance by a meditation master. After this, if they pass, your teacher then makes a promise to teach meditation full-time.

Only after this, your teacher would consider themselves qualified enough to pass on the practice effectively to you!

Does a Daily Meditation organisation exist?

No. Your teacher was trained by a network of independent teachers, and is now an expert independent teacher themselves. They didn’t need to follow any dogma, religious system or philosophy to qualify. And they don’t have to answer to anything except to teach meditation with the clarity, purity, and dedication that it deserves.

Book Your Meditation Course Today!

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Free Live Q&A

Only 7 Free Spaces Left Daily!
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How much does it cost?

We try our best to have at Daily Meditation Berlin the lowest possible price to learn, to help open it up to be accessible and approachable for everyone who would like to learn.

The beginners course is a one-time payment of €294, without hidden fees.

Included in your course you get …

  • Free lifetime support
  • Free access to weekly group meditations in Berlin
  • Free “reboot your practice” refresher courses 
  • Access to yearly low-cost, non-profit, weekend meditation retreats
  • and an Establish your Daily Habit: Email Support Course.

But of course, you can simply join the Live Q&A, and get to know all about a daily meditation practice, without cost or obligation to learn!

Of course, you can also book your course today! With the security of an optional refund after your first consultation, we want to help you meditate with certainty, without having to search through the internet all day.

Book your Meditation Course today!
Free, weekly, group meditations each year

Access to Retreats, Worldwide

Reversible: Optional refund after first consultation.

100% Free Lifetime Support

Free Refresher Courses

Establish your daily practice – A Free, Meditation Habit Support Email Course

Daily Meditation Berlin Logo

HQ: Daily Meditation Berlin, Finowstraße 14, Berlin, 12045